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Print-O-Stat hosts Carlson Day - A deep dive into Carlson Software and Equipment

Guests were treated to a deep dive into Carlson products including Survey software & equipment

During the morning session there was an in-depth discussion about Carlson Survey software from some of the expert representatives from Print-O-Stat and Carlson. Training focused on advanced field-to-finish techniques to automate point attributes like monumentation, invert depths and directions, tree descriptions and more. In the afternoon, Mike Hyman from Carlson showed our guests hands-on data capture using the latest Carlson survey equipment.

Data was then taken back to the classroom and discussed, along with a question and answer session of the day's activities. Here some of the new and upcoming offerings from Carlson were discussed, including the NEW Autel Robotics EVO II drone.

If you were unable to attend our Carlson Day, we hope to hope to see you at our next event! If you have any questions until then feel free to contact us, for more information!

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