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Autodesk® InfoWorks ICM

Model complex hydraulic and hydrologic network elements quickly, accurately, and collaboratively. InfoWorks ICM is advanced integrated catchment modeling software for modeling complex hydraulic and hydrologic network elements quickly, accurately, and collaboratively for water and wastewater. With InfoWorks ICM, you can:

  • Plan for capacity improvements, system expansions, and emergency scenarios

  • Deliver easy-to-interpret visual results

  • Accommodate small municipalities and large enterprise organizations

Autodesk® InfoWorks ICM

  • Get the latest integrated catchment modeling software. Model complex hydraulic and hydrologic network elements quickly and accurately. Plan for capacity improvements, system expansions, and emergency scenarios.

    2D boundary objects for SWMM - All 2D Zone boundary types (vertical wall, critical condition, supercritical condition, dry condition, or normal condition) are available for 2D boundary lines as well as additional boundary line types of Inflow, Level, or Level & Head/Discharge

    Head unit flow objects - A Head unit flow object is now available for SWMM networks. This enables a 2D boundary object whose boundary line type property is set to Level & Head/Discharge to be associated with a head unit flow table

    Depth varying Manning’s roughness - The option to include roughness definitions implemented in 2021.4 has now been extended to SWMM networks. This lets you better define ground conditions and calibrate models to different flow conditions

    2D boundary types for SWMM models - SWMM networks now have the same boundary type options for 2D Zones as the InfoWorks Networks. These options include vertical wall, normal conditions, critical, subcritical, and dry

    NOAA Rainfall Generator - The new NOAA ATLAS 14 Rainfall Generator can be used to download data from the NOAA's Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS) to generate NOAA Atlas 14 precipitation frequency estimates for specified locations within the United States

    Workgroup model management - Teams can work together in a shared space to create unified models that are complete and accurate

    Integrated 1D and 2D modeling - Model 1D hydrodynamic simulations and 2D simulations in urban environments and river floodplains

    Powerful hydraulic simulation - Fast, robust, stable, and efficient dynamic simulation engine offers accurate representation

    Prepare for events - Address sanitary sewer overflows and combined sewer overflows through emergency storm simulations

    Live operational support - InfoWorks ICM allows any live data to be used within the background of a comprehensive utility network model

    Data inferencing - Run models accurately with built-in inferencing tools that fill in missing elements from raw survey data

    SQL and other scripts - SQL queries and Ruby Scripts automate processes such as creating new scenarios, saving you time

    GPU utilization - Using GPUs can speed up simulations 12 times or more with large models

    RAFTS hydrology - The RAFTS Australian hydraulic routing method links directly with the ARR data hub and Australian BOM

  • Orders for software are for a full 12-month period.  Existing clients who would like to add to an existing contract will need to work directly with their dedicated sales consultant.

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